» Từ khóa: skills listening

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Tactics for listening - Second edition

    Tactics for listening - Second edition

    This test package includes photocopiable student test sheets, an answer key, and a tapescript of the tests. A CD on the inside back cover of the Test Booklet contains the recordings needed to administer the tests. The test items are based on the listening activities presented in the Student Book. To assess students’ speaking ability, teachers may use the interviews, role plays, and other speaking activities in the Over to You sections of the...

     41 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 368 2

    Từ khóa: TOEic iBT, english exam, grammar english, skills listening, language skills, english toeic

  • TOEIC Grammar

    TOEIC Grammar

    Countable or uncountable nouns: definitions Countable nouns (people, animals, objects, plants, units of measurement) can be counted, used with the indefinite article and be plural. • two men; a dog; cars Uncountable nouns (substances, materials, abstract ideas, languages) cannot be counted, used with the indefinite article and are singular. • water; money

     45 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 340 3

    Từ khóa: Present continuous, english exam, grammar english, skills listening, language skills, Present simple

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