• Principles of Electronic Prescribing

    Principles of Electronic Prescribing

    The purpose of this book is to provide electronic prescribing (EP) systems implementers with an overview of the clinical and professional issues involved with the use of EP systems, and a discussion of the key systems design principles involved. The book does not assume any detailed clinical or IT knowledge on the part of the reader; as such, it provides general guidance on possible applications of EP systems. However, the book should not be...

     169 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 232 2

  • Kristeva Reframed

    Kristeva Reframed

    In a world immersed in readymade images, consumer advertising and the bureaucratised language of institutions, Kristeva’s work explains how art or aesthetic experience is one of the few means by which we can generate and access images that are linked to our vital and lived experiences and that have the capacity to engender personal, political and social renewal.

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  • Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology

    Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology

    This chapter will concentrate on the mechanisms by which drugs alter neurotransmission of relevance to the treatment of psychiatric disorders. ■ The major site of action for drugs used in psychiatry is the synapse and in particular those utilising amines or amino acids as neurotransmitters. ■ The majority of the drugs act either presynaptically to influence levels of the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft, or by altering the functional...

     198 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 216 2

  • Parkinson’s Disease Methods and Protocols

    Parkinson’s Disease Methods and Protocols

    Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an age-dependent, neurodegenerative disorder and is predominantly sporadic. Only 20–30% of patients have a positive family history for PD with a complex mode of inheritance. In a few extended families, the disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Linkage to chromosome 4 was reported in a large Italian kindred multiply affected by an early-onset form of PD (1). However, this finding was not...

     288 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 206 2

  • Molecular Pathology Protocols

    Molecular Pathology Protocols

    In routine histopathology, most tissues are fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin for long-term preservation. DNA can be extracted from these tissues for subsequent molecular analysis by amplification methods. We describe herein a protocol for DNA preparation from paraffin-embedded tissues based on published procedures (1–3). In brief, tissue sections are placed into microfuge tubes, then deparaffinized with xylene. The xylene is...

     456 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 192 2

  • EFT Emotinal Freedom Techniques

    EFT Emotinal Freedom Techniques

    The list of individuals who contributed to the development of EFT can never be complete because most of them lived over 5,000 years ago. Those are the brilliant physicians who discovered and mapped the centerpiece of EFT, namely, the subtle energies that course through our bodies. These subtle energies are also the centerpiece of acupuncture and, as a result, EFT and acupuncture are cousins. Both disciplines are growing rapidly here in the...

     266 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 277 3

  • EFT for Back Pain: A Specialized Use of Emotional Freedom Techniques

    EFT for Back Pain: A Specialized Use of Emotional Freedom Techniques

    The list of individuals who contributed to the development of EFT can never be complete because most of them lived over 5,000 years ago. Those are the brilliant physicians who discovered and mapped the centerpiece of EFT, namely, the subtle energies that course through our bodies. These subtle energies are also the centerpiece of acupuncture and, as a result, EFT and acupuncture are cousins. Both disciplines are growing rapidly here in the...

     310 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 227 3



    When did humans appear? What is it that makes us different from the rest of the animals? In what way did language develop? Why is it so important to have deciphered the sequence of the human genome? This book offers answers to these and many other questions about the mysteries and marvels of human evolution. Scientists maintain that modern humans originated in Africa because that is where they have found the oldest bones. In addition, genetics...

     56 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 159 2

  • Understanding Children’s Drawings

    Understanding Children’s Drawings

    There has been a growing fascination over the past century with the emotional and psychological aspects of children’s art expressions, particularly from the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and art therapy. Drawing has been undeniably recognized as one of the most important ways that children express themselves and has been repeatedly linked to the expression of personality and emotions. Children’s drawings are thought to reflect their...

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  • Building Community Disaster Resilience Through Private–Public Collaboration

    Building Community Disaster Resilience Through Private–Public Collaboration

    Natural disasters—including hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods— caused over 220,000 deaths worldwide in the first half of 2010 and wreaked havoc on homes, buildings, and the environment. To withstand and recover from natural and human-caused disasters, it is essential that citizens and communities work together to anticipate threats, limit their effects, and rapidly restore functionality after a crisis.

     143 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 297 3



    Wetlands are the ecotonal or transitional zones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems where the water table is usually at or near the surface of the land, which is covered by the shallow water (Mitsch & Gosselink, 1986). Due to these characteristics, wetlands provide opportunities for adaptations to different plant and animal species with high diversity of life-forms. Thus wetlands are among the most biologically diverse and...

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    Wetlands are the ecotonal or transitional zones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems where the water table is usually at or near the surface of the land, which is covered by the shallow water (Mitsch & Gosselink, 1986). Due to these characteristics, wetlands provide opportunities for adaptations to different plant and animal species with high diversity of life-forms. Thus wetlands are among the most biologically diverse and...

     293 p thuvienbrvt 25/11/2012 232 3

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